

  TIME MANAGEMENT                                      Many wise words describe how meaningful time is. The reason why it is so important for us to be able to manage and use time well is because time is everything that will always move forward. We often hear the term that time cannot be repeated, for those of us who do not use it wisely, we will be left behind by time and miss opportunities that of course we will not get again in the future.                By realizing how valuable time is, we must be able to manage time so that the time we have can be utilized properly. Time Management is the process of controlling time based on a series of activities that have been planned and have been considered based on the possibilities, which must then be controlled in the process in...

Opinion Pragraph

  Yellow Zone School Reopens In my opinion, the government's action in giving permission to schools in the yellow zone to open during this pandemic has a very high risk of the spread of covid-19 which will become even wider. Although the school claims that its implementation applies health protocols, there are concerns that face-to-face learning can increase the spread of the corona virus. Doni Koesoema, an education observer at Multimedia Nusantara University, considered that the process of virus transmission in schools is very easy. Moreover, the opening of schools in yellow zone areas has several cases of local transmission and there are still many schools that do not strictly implement health protocols. The Ministry of Education and Culture noted that there were 79 districts / cities that violated the provisions for opening schools. In addition, there is a lack of sanitation facilities in schools in Indonesia, that is, only about 40% of schools in Indonesia already have proper ...

Danau Kembar

     Beauty Hidden in Danau Kembar      Danau Kembar is one of the favorite tourist spots I've ever visited. Danau Kembar are located in the Bungo Tanjung area, Alahan Panjang, Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province. This tourist spot, which is known as the Danau Atas and Danau Bawah ( Danau di Ateh   dan  Danau di Bawah ) , has a special attraction for tourists. As the name implies, Danau Kembar are two lakes that are located close to each other and have almost the same size. One lake is located higher than the other. Uniquely, the lake that is higher up is called the Danau Bawah while the lower one is called the Danau Atas.       Before arriving at this lake, we will be presented with a view of a stretch of vegetable gardens, fruit and tea plantations. Usually visitors will stop to take pictures in this tea plantation area and enjoy the beautiful view from the top of the tea garden. In addition, here we can also buy very fresh ...

About Me

Everything you have to know "About Me" Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb. Hallo, everyone!      On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction to who I am. My name is Atthahiriyah Salsabila. I am the second of three children. I was born in Duri, October 2nd 2002. Currently, I live in Jalan Alhamra number 51, Mandau, Bengkalis.      I completed my basic education in SDN 11 Duri Timur. After that, I continued my education at MTsN 1 Pekanbaru. This was one of the biggest decisions of my life because I decided to live separately from my parents when I was 11 years old at the time. 3 years of living away from my parents taught me many things about life. About how we should be grateful for what is with us and what we have today, about how we should cultivate a sense of empathy and tolerance for other people and many other things. After completing my education at MTsN 1 Pekanbaru, I finally chose to return to live with my parents. I went to school at SMAN 2 Mandau. And n...